Voids, 2012
Towards the back of the gallery [TJ Boulting] are a group of plaster forms titled ‘voids’. Produced by repeatedly carrying out rotational movements, commonly used in dance to carve and engage the space immediately surrounding the body, these motions isolate and in an abstract sense ‘pinch-off’ sections of space between the body and its curved limbs. This group, positioned to reflect the absent figure at its centre, was conceived with the pierced forms of Henry Moore’s figures in mind. These shapes are sculpted directly in plaster and displayed at the orientation and height at which they were produced. Like so many things composed underground these sculptures were made slowly and through a mindful repetition that the plaster sediments in very specific yet amorphous forms. The final encounter in the gallery however will not actually be so, as the viewer must now invert and repeat his or her own motion to exit the space, therefore intrinsically reflecting the mirrored action the artist has explored in the work. - TJ Boulting
Portmanteau, October 12 - November 15, 2012, T.J. Boulting, London, U.K.