Prima Materia, september 22- october 26 2018, lacasapark artist residency
Prima Materia, Lacasapark, exhibition view, 2018
curl 1 at Prima Materia, september 22- october 26 2018, lacasapark artist residency, Organized by PEANA and Adrián S. Bará, Curated by Viridiana Mayagoitia
Owen Armour, Peter Brock, Adrián S. Bará, Juliana Cerqueira Leite, Tomás Díaz Cedeño, Faivovich & Goldberg, Andrea Galvani, Alison Kudlow, Gonzalo Lebrija, Pedro Martínez-Negrete, Ana Montiel, Mario Navarro, Diego Orendain, Barb Smith, Bosco Sodi, Ernesto Solana, Tove Storch, Casey Tang, Tezontle and Liat Yossifor.
The group exhibition Prima Materia echoes the alchemist’s thought of the existence of a prime matter that brings everything into being, the original component of the universe. In Aristotle’s philosophy, the concept involves nature in both a physical and a metaphysical viewpoint, referring to plants as the principle of animation and universal psyche. In a sense, this “original substance” appears as a multiplicity, a set of elements found in nature, a cosmic unit. Nature is what allows the world to exist, and conversely, all that is linked to the world is part of nature, thus the central bond between humans and the micro and macro cosmos. Departing from the idea of prima materia as the ultimate mixture, the inner form from which everything is shaped, the exhibition presents a constellation of artworks that resonate with the cosmogony phenomena of elements and materials found in our environment.
Curl 1 at Prima Materia, Lacasapark, exhibition view, 2018
Prima Materia, Lacasapark, exhibition view, 2018
Prima Materia, Lacasapark, exhibition view, 2018