Amphorae, 2013
Amphorae, 2013, installation view, Posicional / Positional, 2013, Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Amphorae, 2013 were made during a residency at the Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado in São Paulo and exhibited at Casa Triângulo, 2013.
The Gesture works even more directly address socially significant bodily movements [“gestures” that come to mean in terms of individual and social codes] and the inside-out complexities of embodiment as we apprehend it through its movements and its representations. In this case, the representation is again an imprint or index of a gesturing body: hollowed out sculptural forms made of plaster are mounted on wire frames like Greek amphorae in a museum; these vase-like shapes were cast from her arm and hand as they gesticulated to convey social concepts [such as “come here”] or as they completed an action [washing hands]. - Amelia Jones ((Tracing the Body: Gesture and Materiality in the Work of Juliana Cerqueira Leite)
Amphorae, 2013
Amphorae, 2013